Wednesday, September 26, 2012

excuses and new addictions

I've been a bit negligent in keeping up with the blog lately.  I have a few reasons (meaning excuses)

1) The husband's been out of town, so I haven't had much time for crafting or blogging

2) I've been much better at making lists of ideas for new puppets and other crafts than actually making any of them

3) I also do wedding flowers (wanna see?) and I have my first post-baby wedding this weekend, so I've been getting things ready for that

4) I did something I probably shouldn't have.  I created an account on Polyvore.  And now I'm addicted.  Are any of you on there?  It's lots of fun, and very addicting, and now I want to get rid of approximately 80% of my wardrobe and go on a shopping spree!  Who's in?

But I do have some new puppet designs in the works, plus some awesome Halloween costumes I've started working on (seriously, they're going to be epic!) and some other projects I'm hoping to get done and listed in the shop before the holiday season hits.  So maybe I'll pull myself away from Polyvore and actually get some things done!

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