Tuesday, July 3, 2012

blankets and burp cloths and bibs, oh my!

I was sewing up a storm last week.  Partly because my husband's been out of town for work, and I needed something to keep me busy, and partly because I want to get these projects actually finished!  I'm notorious for starting a project and not finishing it (there's an unfinished quilt I started in high school that can attest to that...)

So I decided it was time for all of the fabric we bought to make baby blankets, burp cloths, and bibs for Jack to actually be made before this baby is born.  But since part of the reason some of them never got made in the first place was that we had enough of all these items, I'm going to keep a few new ones for this baby, and list the rest in my shop!  And since I probably won't have much time, energy, or desire for a lot of projects for a while after this baby comes, I wanted to get them all made and listed prior to the big day.

So here's some of the receiving blankets, burp cloths, and bibs I've been making.

 "I love grandma" receiving blanket, two burp cloths, and three bibs, with light green back
Close up of the cute fabric, and the blue zig-zag detailing around the edges

My mom actually bought this fabric (surprise!) but didn't have time to make it, so I made it for her.  It'll be her special burp cloths any time she has to feed/burp the baby!  :)

This is probably my favorite - I'm definitely keeping this one!  It's such a cute jungle animal pattern in fun pastels.  I did a turquoise back on the set I'm keeping.  

I think I might make another set with a green back, more gender neutral, to sell in the shop.  I have the jungle animal fabric cut out already to make another blanket, two more burp cloths, and three bibs.  Now I just have to pick a back color and make them!

Train blanket and burp cloth with dark/royal blue back

Jack's "blankie" is actually made out of this same fabric, and when he saw the fabric for this set, he got so excited!  He even grabbed some of the scraps and held them up to his face to snuggle them.  It was terribly cute, but affirmation that, as I had suspected, I wouldn't be able to give this blanket to baby brother.  So this set will go in the shop to avoid future tantrums!

The "gift set bundle" for the train blanket and burp cloth

So I know this next set is for a girl, which I don't have and am not having... but the fabric was so incredibly cute that we bought it a while ago with the idea that it could either be for this baby if it was a girl, or we could give it as a gift to someone.  But since I decided to list some baby gift sets in my shop, I think that will be its fate.

The quilt-like pattern is so cute, with pink, yellow, white and brown colors and flowers, polka dots, giraffes, and more.  The back is done in a white with pink flower pattern fabric.  The whole set is a receiving blanket, two burp cloths, and two bibs.

Close-up of the fabric and the zig-zag detailing around the edges

The "gift  set bundle" for the baby girl gift set

And because I just can't help myself... I discovered that the snuggle flannels were on sale at one of the fabric stores, so I went and bought fabric to make a few more sets today... better get them done soon!

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